Working together, the visiting team and representatives of the institution develop the overall visit schedule, including lists of interviews, auditions, rehearsals, and appointments. Normally, primary contact is between the visiting team chair and the Institutional Representative. Social engagements for team members or the team as a whole are to be avoided.
Sample Agenda
A typical visit agenda is provided below as a basis for developing specific schedules tailored to the needs of each institution.
Travel and Preparation Day
- Team arrival
- Initial team meeting
- Orientation meeting with theatre executive and/or institutional representatives
- Detailed planning session — logistics and content
First Day
- Review of facilities, equipment, and technology (or previous day, if possible)
- Interviews, classes, auditions, rehearsals, and appointments
- Reviews of student work
- Team meeting (review, discuss, plan)
Second Day
- Interviews, classes, auditions, rehearsals, and appointments
- Reviews of student work
- Team meeting (review findings, reach consensus, prepare for exit interviews)
Morning of the Third Day
- Outline contents of Visitors’ Report
- Agree on arrangements and schedules to complete the Visitors’ Report
- Exit interviews with theatre executive and other appropriate administrators and representatives
- Team departure
Further Information:
- Procedures for Institutions (Section XI. Preparations for the Visit)