Accredited Institutions Advanced Search

NAST offers an annual subscription to the advanced search tool of the Directory List of Accredited Institutions. The advanced search tool includes the features of the basic search tool provided in the Directory List of accredited institutions, as well as the ability to search by degree level, major, and area of emphasis/track/concentration; by type of institution (public/private and/or degree-granting/non-degree-granting); and by keyword. Each accredited institutional member listing includes the full name, address, and web address of the institution; the year accreditation was granted, the date of the most recent onsite review, and the academic year of the next onsite review; a brief description of the institution and unit; the name of the theatre executive with contact information; and a detailed list of curricular programs offered by the institution and approved by NAST. The information is updated continuously.

Access to the advanced search tool is gained only by login and password, which are provided to: (1) the institutional representative of each accredited member institution upon the granting of accreditation; (2) individual members upon payment of dues; (3) library members upon payment of dues; and (4) subscribers upon purchasing access.

Click here to purchase access to the advanced search ($20.00).

Please Note:

  • The Advanced Search tool is valid for one year from the date of purchase. Dues are renewable each year.
  • Instructions for logging into and using the advanced search will be provided upon purchase.