2024 Election, Appointments, Appreciation

April 2024

Members and friends of NAST gathered in Minneapolis, Minnesota March 27 – 30 for the 59th Annual Meeting and Retreat for Administrators of Theatre Programs in Higher Education. The Association is deeply grateful to all those who were part of the volunteer effort that makes these meetings succeed, an effort that includes preparing and making presentations, leading discussion, sharing expertise and insight, and much more.

New Officers

Following action by the Membership and the Board of Directors during the 2024 Annual Meeting, we are pleased to announce the election, re-election, or appointment of the following individuals to office in NAST:

Lawrence Larsen, University of Portland

David Young, Western Kentucky University

Members, Board of Directors
Daniel Gordon, Winthrop University
Michael J. Riha, University of Arkansas

Members, Commission on Accreditation
Kelly Allison, University of Alabama at Birmingham
David C. Bell, The Hartt School
Kenneth L. Stilson, Southeast Missouri State University
Joshua B. Williamson, West Virginia University

Chair, Committee on Nominations
Susan Kattwinkel, College of Charleston

Members, Committee on Nominations
Michelle Bombe, Hope College
T.J. Gerckens, Otterbein University
Joan Herrington, Western Michigan University
Joel Murray, Florida International University

Member, Committee on Ethics
Mary Beth Easley, University of Iowa

Appreciation to Immediate Past Office-Holders

The Association wishes to express its deepest thanks to those individuals who completed terms of office and/or service as elected or appointed officials this year:

Richard Klautsch, Boise State University

Chair, Committee on Nominations
Becky London, The New York Conservatory for Dramatic Arts

Members, Committee on Nominations
Ann M. Haugo, Illinois State University
Susan Kattwinkel, College of Charleston
Tamiko Washington, Chapman University

Member, Committee on Ethics
Eric Lange, University of Northern Iowa

NAST is indebted to all of these exceptional individuals for their dedication and volunteer spirit, without which the Association’s work could not go forward.

Lists of Officers, Commissioners, and Committee Members may be found under “About NAST.”