Notice: New Web Resource

August 6, 2020

We hope that you and the members of your families and communities are safe and well.

NAST recently released a new web-based resource entitled, Leadership: Navigating Difficult Situations and Conditions. We invite you to visit the site at this time, and as you continue your work, to return to it often, as it offers a wealth of information and will be updated from time-to-time. The ideas, information, and tools offered within these pages are provided to assist theatre administrators as they study issues; explore options; arrive at conclusions which are informed by consideration of local and existing realities, and resources available; finalize decisions; and formulate action plans. Guidance is provided which is intended to assist each institution to advance its initiatives and therefore those of the field, particularly as this work at this time is shadowed by the current national crisis. The pages also include definitive and specific information as it pertains to the responsibilities of NAST accredited institutional members, particularly with regard to NAST protocols, procedures, and the application of standards – and the flexibilities inherent in each.

Information in these pages is organized into six distinct sections, each of which may be accessed at the bottom of the landing page, and from the sidebar within each section. The sections include:

Although a review of all pages in their entirety is highly recommended, we bring to your attention the following:

As you prepare for the NAST-facilitated sessions above, should questions arise that you wish to pose to the presenters, please send these to NAST at this time to Such an opportunity will be made available during the sessions as well.

It remains imperative that theatre administrators consider the challenges faced by their own institutions, review information pertinent to these challenges, gather and order ideas as they pertain to and align with institutional mission and initiatives, and embark upon decision-making processes that address current and unfolding institution-specific circumstances. Although the outcome of institutional activity may result in the creation and implementation of policies, processes, and/or procedures, the process of discovery which results in such conclusions as guided by strategic thinking and planning remains of paramount importance as the results may assist institutions not only to address immediate and short-term issues, but as well, lay a solid foundation for future initiatives.

As always, please do not hesitate to contact the National Office staff for assistance.

The National Office extends heartfelt appreciation for your continued service to NAST and the field of theatre during these unprecedented times.

Thank you and best wishes.