For a complete list of NAST’s documents and forms not limited to accreditation, please see Publications.
Alumni Survey Format
- NAST strongly recommends that institutions maintain on file information about graduates. Each institution should accomplish this in the manner it sees fit. The Alumni Survey Format above is provided as a sample questionnaire. Please feel free to use this format or create your own. Submission of this form is not required as part of the NAST accreditation process. Use of this format is optional.
Annual Reports to NAST
- Provides information about reports required of accredited institutional members:
- HEADS Data Survey
- Accreditation Audit
- Affirmation Statement
- Supplemental Annual Report (required only from free-standing accredited institutional members of NAST)
Application for Membership Form
- Three copies of the Application Form are to be submitted to the National Office at least four weeks prior to the visitation along with the catalogs, supportive materials, and copies of the Self-Study document. Must be signed by the Chief Executive Officer for initial applications, and by the Theatre Executive/Institutional Representative for all institutions previously granted accreditation.
Credit and Time Questionnaire
- Required of member institutions to provide documentation of formulas and policies for awarding credit to students based on work completed at the institution or transferred from another institution.
Instructions for Preparing Curricular Tables in the NAST Format
- Provides instructions to ensure that program/degree offerings are presented to the Commission in a format that is consistent, cogent, and clear. NAST strongly recommends that each theatre unit maintain a current set of curricular tables in the NAST format for use in accreditation and other purposes.
Internal Communications
- Provide guidance on the communication, distribution, and/or use of information flowing between the Association and the Institutional Representative.
NAST Handbook
- Contains the standards and guidelines by which each institution will be reviewed. Must be used and referenced for all Self-Study Formats prepared for all applications for Membership or Renewal of Membership.
Notice of Intention to Apply (NOITA) Form
- The NOITA form is considered official notification of the institution’s intent to apply for Membership or renewal of Membership. Must be submitted to the National Office at least one year prior to the projected visitation date (preferably two years in all cases, and at least two years in the case of joint or concurrent visits).
Optional Supplemental Questions for Self-Study
- Contains several optional sets of questions that can be used in various ways in the course of the self-study process and/or as a basis for writing the Self-Study document. It is intended for institutions that wish to explore one or more issues in greater depth during the course of the Self-Study. No institution is required to use this document or the questions contained within it. Institutions are welcome to add, subtract, combine, and otherwise alter any question set to make it applicable to their specific needs.
Policy on Postponements of Full Reviews with On-Site Visits
- Provides protocols and guidelines for institutions requesting a postponement of a scheduled full review for continuation of accredited institutional membership.
Policies and Procedures for Reviews of New Curricula
- To be used to submit applications for Plan Approval and/or Final Approval for Listing between full reviews. NOTE: Plan Approval applications also require the NAST “Instructions for Preparing Curricular Tables in the NAST Format.”
Procedures for Institutions
- The official document for new and renewal applications for accredited institutional membership.
Procedures Related to Joint Accreditation Reviews
- See NAST Handbook:
- Appendix IV.A. ~ Procedures for Joint Evaluations: NASAD, NASD, NASM, NAST, and ACCPAS;
Appendix IV.B. ~ Procedures for Joint Evaluation by NAST and the Regional Accrediting Associations.
- Appendix IV.A. ~ Procedures for Joint Evaluations: NASAD, NASD, NASM, NAST, and ACCPAS;
Procedures for the Self-Study Document: Format A
- One of three options for completing the Self-Study document. May be used by all institutions applying for NAST Membership or renewal of Membership. The framework of Format A does not emphasize one evaluation perspective over any other. For further information, see Procedures for Self-Study.
Procedures for the Self-Study Document: Format B
- One of three options for completing the Self-Study document. May be used by institutions applying for Membership for the first time, with the advice and consent of the NAST Executive Director. The framework of Format B emphasizes situational analysis and planning for the theatre unit as a whole; and Format C, analysis and planning for component programs. For further information, see Procedures for Self-Study.
Procedures for the Self-Study Document: Format C
- One of three options for completing the Self-Study document. To be used by multipurpose and free-standing degree- and non-degree-granting institutions applying for renewal of Membership, only after receipt of advice and consent from the Executive Director. The framework of Format C emphasizes situational analysis and planning for component programs. For further information, see Procedures for Self-Study.
Procedures for Submitting an Optional Response to the Visitors’ Report
- Provides requirements and guidelines for submitting an Optional Response to the NAST Visitors’ Report following an on-site visit and before Commission review.
Procedures for Submitting Responses and Progress Reports
- Provides requirements and guidelines for submitting a response and/or a progress report to NAST when requested to do so by the Commission.
Procedures for Visiting Evaluators
- The official document required for evaluators to study, follow, and use in order to successfully conduct and complete an on-site visit.
Substantive Change Applications
- Institutions are required to gain prior approval of substantive change in existing curricula occurring between regular accreditation visits.