HEADS Data Summaries

HEADS Data Summaries, the statistical summaries compiled from the Annual Reports (HEADS Data Surveys) of member institutions and other participating theatre units from 1982-1983 through 2020-2021, provide information on enrollment, faculty numbers and salaries, administrative processes, budgets, a series of comparative ratios, and other operational information. Most data is reported by size and type of institution.

Given the move to the new platform, which has facilitated the replacement of HEADS Data Summaries with Navigable Dashboards, HEADS Data Summaries for the academic years 1982-1983 through 2020-2021 for theatre as well as those for the disciplines of art and design, dance, and music now are available without charge. Access to the HEADS Data Summaries for theatre is provided below as are links to HEADS Data Summaries specific to the disciplines of art and design, dance, and music.